This is a tap tap that we ride in some days, going to the orphanage. |
How many Haitians can fit into a tap tap? Always one more. Tap tap means fast, fast. They are the taxis here in Haiti.
We completed 5 bunk beds today. Holy cow, wow!
T & Madame Gladys keep finding projects for us to do. T is one of the teachers at the orphanage. They asked us to bild a shelf for school supplies. We started today and hope this is a quicker project. Little things keep coming up for us to do. Leaky faucet, repair door handle, broken table, loosened screws on a bed and whatever else may come up.
I really enjoy driving around and observing the people of Haiti. There is such a variety. All within the same vacinity, peole will be picking through garbage for things to sell. Store front owners, women carrying veggies for sale on their heads, men driving tap tap's. People selling charcoal, clothes, shoes, medicine from under a makeshift canopy or just on the side of the road.
When the electricity is on we are grateful for the airconditioners in our room, when it's off we lay low and hope for breeze.
The days are flying past. So much to see, so much to absorb, so much to learn. I feel saturated for today. I am "fatigue". (tired)
Charcoal is made: dig a pit, add wood, add a starter fluid of some kind, let it cook slowly for several days. People sell it, it's used for cooking.
These two girls, maybe sisters caught my eye. |
This is a vendor selling charcoal on the side of the road. |
water barrel on the rooftop where we are staying. |
Busy morning on the main street. |
The washing station where Michlene does the dishes after every meal they feed us. She works hard in the kitchen. She didn't want me to take her picture. She speaks no English. |
Notice the guy selling bread on the side of the road. Fresh baked bread. We've picked it up on our way home for dinner and it's still been warm. It's very delicious. It's a dense white bread. |
It's the whole gang and the 5 completed bunk beds. |
Notice how T, the Haitian is sawing. He was a champ with the primitive tool, when we couldn't get the saw to cooperate. |
A dry river bed filled with trash. This is only one of these. This is what every river bed looks like. |
Au Revoir
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