Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hope for Haiti

After a good night sleep, I only had to wake up once and apply bug spray, I'm ready to head up into the mountains again.  To do some final shopping and see what else I can see.

Last night as the sun was setting and "la lun apleve" the moon was rising, we let the cool evening breeze settle us down.
A young man who lost a sister in the earthquake lives here with Pastor Wilson and Madame Gladys.  They are, as he described them, his spiritual mother and father.  His name is James.  Every morning he goes to the gym before I'm awake.  He returns to sweep and mop down the hallway and into the sun room.  You can always tell when James is approaching.  He's always singing, humming or will greet you as he passes.  He joined us on the roof last night.  He said he would like to learn many languages so he can help people, but especially help the Haitians.  He already speaks French, Creole, English and "un petit" (little bit) Spanish.
He wants his country to be different, be better.  I think with the drive and motivation he has, he will accomplish this.
Last week we hung out with another young man, Marttenz who lives here also.  He is going to school to be an educator to the Haitians, to be able to advocate for them, to communicate between the people and the government.
This is two young people in one household who have hope and strive to make this country better.  The Children's Home, offering 3 meals a day and an education to 20 children is offering a real opportunity for those kids.
I am hopeful for Haiti, if this is only one household is all of Haiti that has these hopes and dreams, than there are most definitely many others who are working for the same goal.  Change for Haiti is going to have to come from within the country, not outsiders coming in and imposing their ideas.
I'll get off my soap box for now.

We traveled into the fresh scented mountains today for some relaxing down time.  I will share the photos I took today.

Saturday is laundry day.  This is the neighbors where we are staying.

On our way up the mountain.  We saw this top top filled to the brim.
Trash scattered on the side of the road.

Here's a larger top top also jam packed with people.

Saturday as usual.

Pet pigs just hanging out and wondering wherever they choose.

Take notice this women is carrying a full jug of water and bins on her head.

If you don't catch a ride, you walk with your wears for sale on your head.

A vendor selling goods on the dusty mountainous road.

A mother and daughter working and selling at their stand, maybe their house.

Ryan posing, attempting a sexy look.  What a doof!

We visited Fort Jacques today.  What history this country has.

Jeff, this picture is for you.  The drummer under the shade of a tree.

This was a freedom drum used during the revolution in Haiti.

 A saddle and a bed mat made out of cattails and banana leaves.
Au Revior Zanmi (good bye friend)

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