Friday, April 5, 2013

Cockadoodle doo!

Beautiful blossoms on a tree across the wall from where we are staying

Sunrise from the roof top, where we are staying.

A women, vendor who was cutting, cleaning and selling bread fruit.
She was very unhappy that I took a picture of her.  I tried very hard to be descretely. Who knows what she said in Creole.

The line of traffic that kept us from moving too fast yesterday.

Men with guns are stationed outside every gas station and every grocery store.

We had to improvise.  We didn't have a drill head the right size to fit in the drill,  so we cut the end of the screw driver off.  Thanks to 16 year old Ryan for the idea and the help of one of one of the Haitian men for breaking it.  It made the job move much quicker.

I had the privilage of teaching both the girls and boys how to crochet.  The girls took off with it and some boys, if they wanted to, they made belts, some tried making kites with string and plastic bags.  It was the best part of my day. Madame Gladys who is pastor Wilson's wife, she learned how to crochet with all of the kids.  She is one of the main teachers at the orphanage.

Ryan was getting a Creole lesson by pointing to picures and having the kids teach him how to say them.

MacKenzey was just eating up these kids.  Naelka is a friendly smiley little girl.

We got the Haitians involved in this bunk bed building.  We completed 3 yesterday.
Cockadoodle doo!  Cat fight, dogs barking.  Awoken by a rooster, you'd think I was on a farm but I'm not.  I'm in the middle of a highly populated city.  No back yards, wall to wall cement houses, with stone and garbage almost everywhere.  Scattered trees with blooms that are beautiful.  Bright purple and pink flowers, cactus blooms are white.  Large palm trees and others I'm not familiar with.

Roof top sunrise, pigeons and morning doves, little birds that make their nests in holes, maybe finches or swallows of some kind.  A world of cement, tin and anything else that can be scavaged or re-used.  Talk about a recycle mindset, it's survival here, improvise, if they don't have it, they'll find something that will do the job.

A bell rings at the same time every morning, 7:30 am as the shoe shiner passes outside the gate of the secure enclosure we stay in.  He says something in Creole as he passes, I imagine it to be "Get your shoes shined or repaired, only 3 goudes" (which would be about 15cents US money)

Everyone has cell phones, not iphones or smart phones but everyone is just as attached to their cell phones as most Americans I know.

Today we were back at the orphanage.  Instead of a 30 minute bumpy drive, it was an hour and a half.  Traffic was horrendous and the roads are in a sorry condition.
You think you have it bad driving during rush hour, you don't really, take a look around you :)
I heard today that the only laws for driving around here is you must be 18 years old, and your car must have brakes and a horn.  No emissions required here!  The diesel smell is often choking.

And to boot, I only saw three men peeing on the side of the road today and one lady squatting.  I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go. 

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