Wednesday, January 30, 2013


First I want to thanks such wonderful friends and family for their support

Brian & Vaishali Miller
Amy Agbodzie and family
Veronica Dale

What is philanthropy?
It means "love of man" in the sense of caring for, nourishing, improving, and enhancing the quality of life for human beings. (Wikipedia)

Thinking of this word, I look through pictures that show what our family has done over the last couple of years.

I hope you enjoy a peak into our world.

Hana sewing bags for Haitian children

Siera working on a school bag for Haitian children

Packing meals for Feed Our Starving Children

Collected tents for Carrefour, Haiti after the earthquake

Raised money by selling fudge at Greenstar to buy tarps and duct tape for Haiti

Pie baking for Thanksgiving to donate to Loaves and Fishes

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Contibutions - Pay Pal

Hello friends, family and community,

I have just uploaded a pay pal widget to my blog.
Now it's easier to support my Haiti mission.

Life is busy, life is hectic
Take a minute
Read "On Shaky Ground"
Maybe it will move you
see why I feel the need to make this journey.

My heart is filled with excitement and anticipation.
Just 2 months away,
I'll board a plane
To the most impoverished
country in the northern hemisphere.

Many good things will come from this trip.
Learning, sharing and hopes to reach the world with this blog.

Thanks for following me to Haiti and for your support!

If you feel the desire to share this with your friends, please pass it on.

Thanks to Veronica for supporting me.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

In the Spotlight

I am so pleased with the results of our interview with Alaina from The Post Standard.

We met on Thursday am in DeRuyter at my fathers church.
The interview was short and sweet but from previous articles, I knew Alaina would do a wonderful job.
She proved herself and relayed our words just right.

Take a look at the Post Standard article.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

On Shaky Ground!

This year I have an exciting opportunity and it all started...


The earth shook and I listened closer to an internal drive to experience life to the fullest, to help people through philanthropic pursuits, and teach my children through actions and experience.
Almost 3 years ago, my father’s plane landed in Haiti at Port-au-Prince airport just hours before the severely destructive 7.0 earthquake hit. It left Haitians in tent cities, sparse food, waning supplies of clean water and hard to reach medical facilities. My dad was on a missions trip to Carrefour,with 2 others from DeRuyter, NY. He was standing on the second story of a church they were planning to repair. He felt the shake. Him and the other team of missionaries scrambled hurriedly down the stairs and outside. Looking around to find fallen buildings, injured and buried people in the village.

Loosing power and cell phone service, Haiti was disconnected from the world and I was disconnected from my father.

Huddled with my two daughters, husband and sister, unsure if my father was still alive or trapped under debris like so many other victims of this earthquake. We waited, hours, many tormenting hours, tearfully, painfully thinking the worst. Until finally we got word that my father and the other missionaries were alive and OK.

After 3 days, they made it home safe. We greeted them compassionately at the airport with tears of joy and relief.

This experience brought me closer to the unfortunate situation in Haiti and lit a fire inside me to help, help, HELP!

During this shock to my system I started a “tent drive” in our community. We (Roots & Shoots group) sold homemade chocolate fudge as a fundraiser to ship the tents, tarps, and other items they needed. We gathered a total of 48 tents, several boxes of baby food, 6 large boxes and bags of baby clothes and 17 tarps. We also sent a trunk full of assorted shoes.

My family and I are no stranger to getting involved and giving back to our community and those in need. We bake pies for Loaves & Fishes, pack boxes for Soldiers, adopt children through the Salvation Army, give donations to the SPCA and pack meals for Feed Our Starving Children.

Philanthropy is an active part of my children’s curriculum through 4H, and permeates every cell of my body.

This life is short and we should all have the opportunity to live it to the fullest. I am looking for the chance to experience something extraordinary, teach from experience, and help others along the way.

I want to do more! When I heard their was another missions trip being planned for Haiti 2013, with my father, I jumped on the opportunity. Not entirely sure how I will fund the trip, I'm launching a fundraiser. 

I'm reaching out to friends, family and my community for financial support. My goal is $2,000. 
Any extra will be put towards filling luggage with school supplies, medical supplies and clothes for the children at

Donation Amount                                    Incentives

$25 & under                                                                Handwritten thank you
$50                                                                                 Homemade friendship bracelet & thank you
$100                                                                               Haitian momento & thank you
$250 & above                                                              Hand chosen art piece from Haiti & thank you

*All donators will be recognized on the blog. (unless otherwise noted)

Please send checks to 121 Bone Plain Rd., Freeville, NY 13068, made out to Bec Groves-Haley.

Thanks for your support!


Friday, January 11, 2013


All the things to consider when traveling beyond the US borders.

Hand sanitizer

Yes, it's true I just applied for my passport today, I should receive my ticket to travel in 4-6 weeks.
Now onto the next thing on my list.  Immunizations...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mountains Beyond Mountains

As I write, read and plan for the 2 week journey to Haiti.  My heart is filled with excitement.  I think about all I will see, learn, and help with.
I am currently reading Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder.  What an amazing read, through the eyes of the health status of Haiti.  An impoverished country with unclean water, lack of adequate & affordable health care. Overall unclean conditions which leads to major health crisis.  Major things in Haiti, minor things in the U.S.